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Kim Newman



Kim Newman is a studio jeweler living in Lancaster, PA. She studied under metalsmith Anne Graham at the University of Delaware where she received her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Metals.


In  2000, she was awarded an 11-month Artist-in-Residence at the nationally renowned Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts in Gatlinburg, Tenn.


Following her residency Kim was Arrowmont’s Public Relations Coordinator for eight years. During her time at Arrowmont, she taught both adult and children’s jewelry workshops and maintained a private jewelry studio.


Kim is a dedicated mother and wife and enjoys sharing her love of art through teaching and volunteering.





An appreciation and love for the clean and simple lines of mid-century modern design found in everything from fabrics and furniture to lamps and architecture, is the creative spark for my newest collection.  


Rocks from mountain streams, my favorite beaches, as well as unique gemstones lend a unique element and energy to my jewelry. 




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